Editorial Complaints Policy

At Daily Releaf CBD, we take our editorial responsibilities seriously and strive to maintain the highest standards of accuracy and integrity in our content. We understand, however, that mistakes can happen, and we are committed to addressing any concerns or complaints that our readers may have about our editorial content.

If you believe that our content contains errors or inaccuracies, or if you have any other complaints about our editorial practices, we encourage you to contact us as soon as possible. You can do so by emailing us at [email protected] with “Editorial Complaint” in the subject line.

When we receive a complaint, we will take the following steps to address it:

  • Acknowledge receipt of the complaint: We will send you an email to confirm that we have received your complaint and are reviewing it.
  • Investigate the complaint: We will investigate the complaint thoroughly, including reviewing the content in question and consulting with our editorial team.
  • Respond to the complaint: We will provide a written response to your complaint, either by email or phone, within dailyreleafcbd.com of receiving it. Our response will explain our findings and any action we plan to take in response to your complaint.

If you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, you may escalate it to our senior editorial team by emailing [email protected] with “Editorial Complaint – Senior Team” in the subject line.

We take all complaints seriously and will do our best to address them in a timely and transparent manner. We believe that feedback from our readers is essential to improving the quality and accuracy of our content, and we appreciate your input.